Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir meets each Wednesday evening in the choir room from 7:15-8:30 p.m. and is open to ages high school and up. (The choir takes the month of July off.) The Chancel Choir leads music during the 10:00 a.m. worship hour and also sings during special services throughout the year.

We have three Music Sundays a year when the Chancel Choir, along with other areas of the music ministry, leads the entire service. These Sundays are the third Sunday in September, the third Sunday of Advent and Palm Sunday. 

We sing various styles of music but mainly focus on traditional four-part choral music. In any given month you may hear John Rutter, Mark Hayes, G.F. Handel, Craig Courtney or Keith Getty. We welcome new members and love to have new people join our time of song and fellowship.

Children's Choirs

Cherubs - Preschool (must be 3 by October 1st)

Carolers - K-2nd Grade

Choristers - 3rd-5th Grade

All three of these choirs meet on Wednesday nights during the school year. Each group sings 3-4 times a semester during our 10:00am worship service and they combine a couple of times a year to join our Chancel Choir on special music Sundays. All of the choirs participate in our annual Christmas Musical in early December. We have a great time not only singing praises to God but also learning Bible stories, dancing and laughing together.

Play an Instrument?

There are still ways to be involved in the music ministry even if you don't sing.  Instrumentalists are occasionally used to play solos and ensemble pieces as well as accompany the choir on special anthems. They also join the choir on special  music Sundays.

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