Congregational Care Ministries

We have several ministries to encourage/help congregation members during special moments in their lives.

The Card Committee

This ministry sends cards each week to members that have had both good and bad events occur recently. We also send cards to shut-ins and others not able to make it to worship. It is a great way for those not able to participate in more intense ministries to still reach out and share God's love with our church family.  Contact Julie Pride at or 270-842-8171.

New Baby Dinners

This group prepares meals for families that have recently added a little one into their homes. Great for anyone with the gift of cooking! Contact Jane Cannon at 270-781-0799.

Bereavement Meals

This meal is made available to all members following a funeral at the church. Several members prepare the food, decorate, serve, and clean up following the meal. Contact Jane Cannon 270-781-0799 or Joy Beth Dunn 270-846-3556.

Adopt A Grandparent

The Adopt a Grandparent Program at SSUMC is a vital ministry that connects families of all ages. Children ages birth - 18 are encouraged to participate in this program. We match children (and their families) with "Older" members of our congregation to form relationships that can last a lifetime. Adopted Grandparents can be anyone who no longer has children of their own living at home. The church provides several events throughout the year to encourage these families to join together in fellowship but we also encourage families to spend time together on their own. This is not a ministry that requires a money commitment or an excessive time commitment - it is built on forming a LOVE commitment. Please contact Emily Anne Pride Sutton at or 270-842-8171 if you would like to participate.

Adopt a Homebound Member

We are looking for members of our congregation willing to adopt members of our church family who can no longer attend services. I would love to work with individuals, couple, or families that would like to connect with one of our homebound members. 

If you would be willing to call, visit, or send cards on a regular basis to one of these members, please contact me and I will make the connection for you. Nothing elaborate is expected. Just the simple fact of letting people know they are loved, missed and valued even if they can no longer join us in worship. Contact Craig Tuck at or

Communion to Homebound Members

We are looking for people willing to take communion to our homebound members the first Sunday of each month. Lee will prepare the elements for you and provide you with a "script" for your communion service. You need only bring an open heart, generous spirit and listening ears. Each team takes communion to one or two members sometime that afternoon, visiting for a bit and sharing the communion of Christ. This is a powerful ministry that blesses the giver and the recipient equally. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Craig Tuck at ctuck@statestreetumc.orgor 270-842-8171.

Prayer Ministry

SSUMC offers an active prayer ministry through our prayer chain. Several members are a part of the prayer chain and can be contacted in minutes if there is a prayer need. We also have an intercessory prayer group that prays over the prayer list each week. To be part of the prayer group, or if you have an emergency prayer need for the prayer chain, please contact Craig Tuck at or 270-842-8171.

"Our prayers may be awkward, our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference."  Max Lucado

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